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dwight eisenhower造句

"dwight eisenhower"是什么意思  
  • President dwight eisenhower knew that the so - called “ missile gap ” tilted in america ' s favour
    德怀特?艾森豪维尔知道所谓的“导弹实力的差距” ,其实优势还在美方这边。
  • They and their israeli partners - in - invasion were restrained , eventually , by the united states , led by a republican president and war hero , dwight eisenhower
  • Not only the anniversary of the day the flag was adopted by congress , flag day is also the anniversary of president dwight eisenhower ' s controversial addition of the words " under god " to the pledge of allegiance in 1954
  • It's difficult to see dwight eisenhower in a sentence. 用dwight eisenhower造句挺难的
如何用dwight eisenhower造句,用dwight eisenhower造句dwight eisenhower in a sentence, 用dwight eisenhower造句和dwight eisenhower的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。